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Discussion Board Forum 6 Part 2

Discussion Board Forum

Q DISCUSSION BOARD FORUM 6 INSTRUCTIONS Trompenaars Analysis Using the Trompenaars national management dimensions of culture, you will conduct and discuss a comparative analysis of 3 foreign nations and the USA. The Discussion Board Forum assignment consists of 3 parts. Part 1 - Reservation Reserve the same nations you selected for Discussion Board Forum 5. Submit your selected 3 nations by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 7. Part 2 – Thread (500 words minimum) Using the same nations you selected for Discussion Board Forum 5, compare the dimensions of national management cultures with the Trompenaars dimensions of management cultures identified in the USA. The rationale behind Discussion Board Forum 6 is for you, as a graduate-level student, to build on Discussion Board Forum 5 work. In Discussion Board Forum 5, you were given a specific website to conduct the Hofstede. No such corresponding website exists for the Trompenaars Analysis. The challenge here for you as the researcher is to be able to take the information from Discussion Board Forum 5 and use what you have learned regarding the Trompenaars Analysis and come up with a similar analysis on your part. This requires skill and competency as a graduate-level student, and the challenge is the entire rationale behind the Discussion Board Forum 6 deliverable. Your thread must be placed in the Discussion Board text box and adhere precisely to the following headings and format: • SECTION I: Trompenaars Dimensions of Management Culture Comparison Chart Dimension Nation 1 Nation 2 Nation 3 USA U v. P I v. C N v. E S v. D A v. A S v. S I v. E • SECTION 2: Analysis of Section I Results In your own words, provide an answer to each of the following questions: 1. How do the dimensions of management culture of the 3 foreign nations differ from each other? 2. How do the dimensions of management culture of the 3 foreign nations differ from the USA? 3. How are the dimensions of management culture of the 3 foreign nations similar to each other? 4. How are the dimensions of management culture of the 3 foreign nations similar to the USA? Submit Discussion Board Forum 6 – Thread by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week Replies (750 words minimum) Additionally, you will be required to post substantive written replies to at least 3 other students’ threads. Submit Discussion Board Forum 6 – Replies by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module/Week • SECTION I: Trompenaars Dimensions of Management Culture Comparison Chart Dimension Argentina Kuwait South Africa USA U v. P Low U High P High U Low P Low U High P Low U High P I v. C High I Low C Low I High C High I Low C High I Low C N v. E High N Low E High N Low E Low N High E Low N High E S v. D High S Low D High S Low D Low S High D High S Low D A v. A High Achievement Low Ascription Low Achievement High Ascription High Achievement Low Ascription High Achievement Low Ascription S v. S Low Sequential Time High Synchronous Time High Sequential Time Low Synchronous Time Low Sequential Time High Synchronous Time High Sequential Time Low Synchronous Time I v. E High I Low E Low I High E Low I High E High I Low E • SECTION 2: Analysis of Section I Results In your own words, provide an answer to each of the following questions: 1. How do the dimensions of management culture of the 3 foreign nations differ from each other? How do the dimensions of management culture of the 3 foreign nations differ from the USA?3. How are the dimensions of management culture of the 3 foreign nations similar to each other?4. How are the dimensions of management culture of the 3 foreign nations similar to the USA?

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Unlike Argentina and South Africa, Kuwait has high universalism and low particularism. This implies that there is more focus of the citizens of Kuwait in adhering to laws. Rules are preferred before considering relationships even between or among family members, relatives, colleagues, etc. Kuwait has low individualism and high communitarianism unlike South Africa and Argentina implying that there is more focus on agreeing with the group members more often than refuting against group members. The citizens of South Africa show more emotions than being neutral in most situations. South Africa has low specific behavior and high diffuse behavior leading to overlapping of their lives in homes and workplaces. The value of a human being is measured by the ascription of the individual.